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© 2014 Created by Art Above All Design

  This is the personal site of Jason McDowell. My mission in creating Art Above All was to share my experience and love of Art without having to market the Art. Why I am not trying to sell anything on this site you may contact me via the contact link on this site if you wish to commission me for work.

  I am 32 years old. I graduated from Western Illinois University in Macomb, Illinois with a Bachelors degree in Graphic Design. I am an Ad Designer in my professional career. I also have personal clients outside of work whom I keep strictly confidential. Along side my day job, I have a strong passion for Fine Arts... mainly painting on canvas. My mediums of choice are usually oil or acrylic paints. However, I do work in just about any medium I can get my hands on. More than anything I love gaining knowledge through new challenges. When I am not spending time with family and loved ones, I enjoy composing music through playing guitar. Below you may view a gallery of my many different guitars. Just click on the 'Guitars' link. While I love most music, I am very passionate about most genres of Metal. In my experience most of the general public do not care for this movement of music, understandably, but I still love to share it.  So, I have provided a link to many of the musicians I am currently listening too.  Just click on the music link and you may listen to full length albums through the site Spotify. These musicians are mostly Metal but all have their own sound.

  If you have any questions regarding anything you have read or seen on this site, again, you may contact me through email. Just click on contact and be sure to fill in ever field. Thank you and enjoy.  

About Art Above All

About Me

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